Page 54 - Window-Door-Hardware-2020
P. 54

SaSh Support SyStemS

                                   62A SERIES BALANCES FOR JAMBLINERS

                                                                  62-502 White
                   Ribbed Balance
                                                                           General Information
                    End view of                       1)  In order to remove 62A series balances, you must first remove all window trim and
                  channel shape of                      remove sash along with jambliners. Balances can then be slid out of jambliner sleeve once
                   ribbed balances                      parts are moved to the release position. (Forcing balances out of jambliner pocket will most
                       Ordering Information             likely destroy vinyl extrusion!)
     1)  Measure metal channel length. Do not include any attached ends.  2) Balances can be special ordered in beige or white finishes.
     2)  Check number stamped on channel. (e.g. 16, 16HD, 16TG, etc.)    Contact your account manager for part numbers.
     3)  Select our corresponding part number from the chart below.
     4)  Identify the appropriate end bracket to be attached from illustration at right of    END BRACKETS
       chart. Select -2, -5, -9, -12, -14, -16, -17.                         Add suffix to complete part number.
     5)  Note -2, -12 are available in white and black. White will automatically be
       attached to regular balances; black will automatically be attached to HD, TG
       and XHD balances.                                                                       Part #  Color
                                                                        -2                     62-502  White
                                                                                               62-511  Black
          Length of Metal  Number Stamped    Weight Range  Our Part Number                     Locking Terminals
            Channel      on Balance
                                                                                              Plastic with Metal Lock
              13"           12L          5 - 8        62A-12L-
              13"         12 or 12R      8 - 11       62A-12-
              13"          12HD          11-14        62A-12HD-         -5                       900-18354
              13"      12TG or 12XHD or 12XH  14-17   62A-12TG-                                    Die Cast
              14"           13L           5-8         62A-13L-
              14"         13 or 13R      8-11         62A-13-
              14"          13HD          11-14        62A-13HD-
              14"      13TG or 13XHD or 13XH  14-17   62A-13TG-        -12                         62-520
              15"           14L          6-10         62A-14L-                                      White
              15"         14 or 14R      10-15        62A-14-
              15"          14HD          15-22        62A-14HD-
              15"      14TG or 14XHD or 14XH  22-24   62A-14TG-                                    62-528
              16"           15L          6-10         62A-15L-                                     Die Cast
              16"         15 or 15R      10-15        62A-15-          -14
              16"          15HD          15-22        62A-15HD-                                    62-526
              16"      15TG or 15XHD or 15XH  22-24   62A-15TG-                                 Sold and Attached
              17"           16L          6-10         62A-16L-                                    Separately
              17"         16 or 16R      10-17        62A-16-
              17"          16HD          17-22        62A-16HD-
              17"      16TG or 16XHD or 16XH  22-24   62A-16TG-
              18"           17L          6-10         62A-17L-
              18"         17 or 17R      10-17        62A-17-          -BC                        64T-506
              18"          17HD          17-22        62A-17HD-
              18"      17TG or 17XHD or 17XH  22-24   62A-17TG-
              19"           18L          6-10         62A-18L-
              19"         18 or 18R      10-17        62A-18-
              19"          18HD          17-22        62A-18HD-
              19"      18TG or 18XHD or 18XH  22-24   62A-18TG-
              20"           19L          6-10         62A-19L-
              20"         19 or 19R      10-17        62A-19-
              20"          19HD          17-22        62A-19HD-        -16
              20"      19TG or 19XHD or 19XH  22-24   62A-19TG-                                    62-682
              21"           20L          6-10         62A-20L-                                      White
              21"         20 or 20R      10-17        62A-20-
              21"          20HD          17-20        62A-20HD-
              21"      20TG or 20XHD or 20XH  20-30   62A-20TG-
              22"           21L          6-10         62A-21L-
              22"         21 or 21R      10-17        62A-21-
              22"          21HD          17-20        62A-21HD-                                   62-684B
              22"      21TG or 21XHD or 21XH  20-30   62A-21TG-        -17                          Black
              23"           22L          6-10         62A-22L-
                                                    Continued on next page

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