Page 440 - Window-Door-Hardware-2020
P. 440

Closet Door HarDware

                                          BI-FOLD CLOSET DOOR CAPS
                                                 Caps Shown Actual Size

            4-100                 4-101                4-103                4-104                4-106
           5/16" Thick     Fits Pins 1-100, 1-149, 1-101,    Fits Pins 1-183, 1-184  Fits Pins 1-162, 1-171, 1-163,  Fits Pins 1-105, 900-9422
          Fits Pin 1-151        1-232, 1-148                              1-172, 1-172K
        LEIGH/MONARCH          FLOATAWAY             SLIMFOLD           LEIGH/MONARCH          FLOATAWAY

           4-107            4-108             4-111             4-114        Fits Pins 1-132, 1-159,   4-116
      Fits Pins 1-156, 1-157  Fits Pins 1-130, 1-131  Fits Pins 1-145, 1-188,   Fits Pins 1-170, 1-123,    1-133, 900-14476, 900-  Fits Pins 1-128, 1-228,
                                         1-226, 1-144A, 1-145A  1-235, 1-169, 1-237  17552, 1-223, 1-158,   1-129, 1-229
                                                                            1-224, 1-262, 900-8841A

           4-117            4-118             4-119             4-120            4-127             4-129
      Fits Pins 1-174, 1-197,   Fits Pins 1-140, 1-202,   Fits Pins 1-136, 1-175,   Fits Pin 1-102  Fits Pins 1-108  Fits Pin 1-246
         1-232, 1-261  1-207, 1-141, 1-203, 1-219,   1-204, 1-230, 1-137, 1-176,
                      1-179, 1-206, 1-220, 1-180  1-205, 1-236, 1-200, 1-217,
                                        1-238,1-143, 1-201, 1-218,
                                        1-260, 1-269, 1-273, 1-243,
                                          1-244, 1-250, 1-259
         SLIMFOLD          FENESTRA         FENESTRA          SLIMFOLD         PEACHTREE
                                        BI-FOLD CLOSET DOOR SPRINGS
                                                   In Order by Height

           5-73           900-9421S           5-62              5-50              5-51             5-63
         BAYFORM                             SLIMFOLD        BENCHMARK
                                     BI-FOLD CLOSET DOOR ACCESSORIES

                                Actual Size
           6-101                             Actual Size       Actual Size    Part #  Size
     Compression Retainer for   6-136         6-143             6-125         6-112   1/4"     Part #  Size
     1/4" Pins. Used with 1-224,   Hairpin Clip. Used with   1/4" Tinnerman Clip  5/16" Threaded Tinnerman  6-110  5/16"  6-122  1/4"
       1-237, 1-269, 1-273  1-144A, 1-145, 1-145A,                            6-109   3/8"      6-111  5/16"
        BENCHMARK       1-153, 1-153A, 1-163                                     E-Ring           Push Nut
   435   436   437   438   439   440   441   442   443   444   445