Page 16 - Window-Door-Hardware-2020
P. 16

SaSh Support SyStemS

                                        60 SERIES CHANNEL BALANCES
                                               1/2" CHANNEL BALANCE
                      MOST                  Actually 5/8" but considered 1/2" in the trade.

                                                                                         Take Out Clip
                                                                                                    Choose from a
                                                                                                   variety of top and
     Choose from a variety of                                                                     bottom guides. See
     top and bottom guides.                                                                         Pages 18-29.
       See Pages 18-29.
                        General Information                                  Ordering Information
     1.  Sash weights indicated below are weights that 2 balances per sash will carry with no    1.  Measure metal channel balance length. (Do not include plastic ends.)
       weather-strip friction considered.                 2.  Check number stamped on channel. (e.g. 2010, 28A, 3620 etc.)
     2.  Balances stamped with a 3-digit number (e.g. 122, 183, 143) or a 2-digit number    3.  Select our corresponding part number from the chart below.
       (e.g. 15, 18, 19) will require you to contact your account manager for more information;    4.  To identify the top and bottom ends to be attached, refer to pages 18-29.
       such as exact channel length, type of ends attached, etc.  Note: Top and bottom balance ends must be ordered separately. If you want ends attached, add the
     3.  Any other number/letter variations should also be reviewed with your account manager to ensure   letter "A" to the suffix of the part number when ordering. If you find the ends you need and they are
       your order will be filled correctly.               located with the popular combinations, look for the suffix number and just add that suffix number to
     4.  If your existing balance has a "BSI" stamped on the face of the balance by   the end of the balance part number you selected (e.g. balance 60-242 with ends 60-507 and 60-501
                                                          add the suffix -1 so the final part number is 60-242-1).
       the 4 digit number, order exactly as seen on this chart.
                                                                       Please Note (Important New Information)
     5.  If your existing balance does not have BSI stamped on it and your balance's    Due to increased demand for larger and heavier windows, manufacturers have increased the weight capacity of
       4 digit number has a 40 suffix (e.g. 2840, 2940, 3040, 3640 etc.), you have the   balances as indicated by our expanded chart. Previously, balances beyond the traditional weight ranges were made
       old style balance and for 29" balances and above -order 2850, 2950, 3050, 3650, etc.   for a specific length, weight and often required limited travel and needed to specify upper and lower sash. The
       If you are unsure, weigh your sash and choose from the weight charts indicated below.  examples below show the versatility of the new weight ranges and allow us to inventory these balances to cover a
     6.  For sash weights over those indicated on chart below, please provide the following information:    broader range of windows
            a) Number stamped on balance ________________________  Examples:  Old Number  60-26S42L (27" 42lb - Lower Sash)   New Number   60-2680 (27" 42-45lb)
            b) Balance length (do not include ends____________________      60-26S42U (27" 42lb - Upper Sash)
            c) Sash weight ______________________________________      60-26S44L (27" 44lb. - Lower Sash)
                                                                60-26S44U (27" 44lb. - Upper Sash)
            d) Upper or lower sash ________________________________    All balances listed in this chart no longer need to designate upper or lower and they all have full travel. Balances
            e) 2 or 4 balances per sash ____________________________  with weights and lengths above those listed on the chart will require sash weight and upper or lower designation and
     Note: Special weight balances were usually stamped with a 4 digit number followed by a two digit   will have limited travel
     number to designate specific weight (e.g. 2640 42 or 2690 42 indicates  (2) 27" balances carrying   Example: 27" Channel balance for 49lb. sash
     42 lb. sash.                                         60-26S49 (for lower sash)
                                                          60-26S49U (for upper sash)
                                  For weights above those listed in this chart, see next page.
      Length   Number   Sash  Our Part   Length   Number   Sash  Our Part   Length   Number   Sash  Our Part   Length   Number   Sash  Our Part
      of Metal  Stamped         of Metal  Stamped         of Metal  Stamped         of Metal  Stamped
      Channel on Balance  Weight  Number  Channel on Balance  Weight  Number  Channel on Balance  Weight  Number  Channel on Balance  Weight  Number
       13"   1210   3-6 lbs  60-121  17"  1660  22-25 lbs  60-1660  21"  2020  8-12 lbs  60-202  24"  2370   34-37 lbs  60-2370
       13"   1220   6-9 lbs  60-122  17"  1665  25-29 lbs  60-1665  21"  2030  12-15 lbs  60-203  24"  2375   37-40 lbs  60-2375
       13"   1230  9-11 lbs  60-123  18"  1710  5-8 lbs  60-171  21"  2040  15-23 lbs  60-204  25"  2410  5-9 lbs  60-241
       13"   1240  11-12 lbs  60-124  18"  1720  8-12 lbs  60-172  21"  2050  23-27 lbs  60-2050  25"  2420  9-15 lbs  60-242
       13"   1250  12-15 lbs  60-1250  18"  1730  12-14 lbs  60-173  21"  2060  27-30 lbs  60-2060  25"  2430  15-19 lbs  60-243
       13"   1260  15-18 lbs  60-1260  18"  1740  14-17 lbs  60-174  21"  2065  30-34 lbs  60-2065  25"  2440  19-24 lbs  60-244
       14"   1310   3-6 lbs  60-131  18"  1750  17-20 lbs  60-1750  21"  2070  34-37 lbs  60-2070  25"  2450  24-27 lbs  60-2450
       14"   1320   6-9 lbs  60-132  18"  1760  20-23 lbs  60-1760  21"  2075  37-40 lbs  60-2075  25"  2460  27-30 lbs  60-2460
       14"   1330  9-11 lbs  60-133  18"  1765  23-25 lbs  60-1765  22"  2110  5-8 lbs  60-211  25"  2465  30-33 lbs  60-2465
       14"   1340  11-12 lbs  60-134  18"  1770  25-29 lbs  60-1770  22"  2120  8-12 lbs  60-212  25"  2470  33-36 lbs  60-2470
       14"   1350  12-15 lbs  60-1350  18"  1775  29-32 lbs  60-1775  22"  2130  12-15 lbs  60-213  25"  2475  36-39 lbs  60-2475
       14"   1360  15-18 lbs  60-1360  19"  1810  5-8 lbs  60-181  22"  2140  15-23 lbs  60-214  25"  2480  39-42 lbs  60-2480
       14"   1365  18-20 lbs  60-1365  19"  1820  8-12 lbs  60-182  22"  2150  23-27 lbs  60-2150  25"  2485  42-45 lbs  60-2485
       15"   1410   4-6 lbs  60-141  19"  1830  12-14 lbs  60-183  22"  2160  27-30 lbs  60-2160  26"  2510  5-9 lbs  60-251
       15"   1420  6-10 lbs  60-142  19"  1840  14-17 lbs  60-184  22"  2165  30-34 lbs  60-2165  26"  2520  9-15 lbs  60-252
       15"   1430  10-12 lbs  60-143  19"  1850  17-20 lbs  60-1850  22"  2170  34-37 lbs  60-2170  26"  2530  15-19 lbs  60-253
       15"   1440  12-13 lbs  60-144  19"  1860  20-23 lbs  60-1860  22"  2175  37-40 lbs  60-2175  26"  2540  19-25 lbs  60-254
       15"   1450  13-17 lbs  60-1450  19"  1865  23-25 lbs  60-1865  23"  2210  5-8 lbs  60-221  26"  2550  25-28 lbs  60-2550
       15"   1460  17-20 lbs  60-1460  19"  1870  25-29 lbs  60-1870  23"  2220  8-12 lbs  60-222  26"  2560  28-30 lbs  60-2560
       15"   1465  20-23 lbs  60-1465  19"  1875  29-32 lbs  60-1875  23"  2230  12-19 lbs  60-223  26"  2565  30-33 lbs  60-2565
       16"   1510   4-6 lbs  60-151  19"  1880   32-35 lbs   60-1880  23"  2240  19-23 lbs  60-224  26"  2570  33-36 lbs  60-2570
       16"   1520  6-10 lbs  60-152  20"  1910  5-8 lbs  60-191  23"  2250  23-27 lbs  60-2250  26"  2575  36-39 lbs  60-2575
       16"   1530  10-12 lbs  60-153  20"  1920  8-12 lbs  60-192  23"  2260  27-30 lbs  60-2260  26"  2580  39-42 lbs  60-2580
       16"   1540  12-13 lbs  60-154  20"  1930  12-14 lbs  60-193  23"  2265  30-34 lbs  60-2265  26"  2585  42-45 lbs  60-2585
       16"   1550  13-17 lbs  60-1550  20"  1940  14-17 lbs  60-194  23"  2270  34-37 lbs  60-2270  27"  2610  5-9 lbs  60-261
       16"   1560  17-20 lbs  60-1560  20"  1950  17-21 lbs  60-1950  23"  2275  37-40 lbs  60-2275  27"  2620  9-13 lbs  60-262
       16"   1565  20-23 lbs  60-1565  20"  1960  21-24 lbs  60-1960  24"  2310  5-8 lbs  60-231  27"  2630  13-19 lbs  60-263
       16"   1570  23-26 lbs  60-1570  20"  1965  24-27 lbs  60-1965  24"  2320  9-15 lbs  60-232  27"  2640  19-26 lbs  60-264
       17"   1610   5-8 lbs  60-161  20"  1970  27-30 lbs  60-1970  24"  2330  15-18 lbs  60-233  27"  2650  26-30 lbs  60-2650
       17"   1620  8-12 lbs  60-162  20"  1975  30-34 lbs  60-1975  24"  2340  18-23 lbs  60-234  27"  2660  30-33 lbs  60-2660
       17"   1630  12-14 lbs  60-163  20"  1980  34-37 lbs  60-1980  24"  2350  23-27 lbs  60-2350  27"  2665  33-36 lbs  60-2665
       17"   1640  14-19 lbs  60-164  20"  1985  37-40 lbs  60-1985  24"  2360  27-30 lbs  60-2360  27"  2670  36-39 lbs  60-2670
       17"   1650  19-22 lbs  60-1650  21"  2010  5-8 lbs  60-201  24"  2365  30-34 lbs  60-2365  27"  2675  39-42 lbs  60-2675
                                                                                              Continued on next page
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